Wishes for the Sky, Promises to the Earth Fly
(Wishes for the Sky)
This event is not sanctioned by the AKA

Date & Location:
Harriet Island Park
St. Paul, MN US
Fun Fly
The Wishes for the Sky Earth Day event is a free public art event that combines kite flying with the ancient Chinese tradition of flying wishes on kites. One thousand blue Chinese-made swallow kites will be available for people to write wishes on and fly.

The swallow kites, which will vary in shades of blue, are the only kites to be flown at this event. The organizers request that no other kites be flown. The swallow shape represents all birds that use the Mississippi River Valley as their migratory pathway. The blue in the kites represents the color of the sky.

The intent is that each person write a wish on a kite, then fly it. People will be requested to return the kites they wrote their wishes on so they can be reused by other people to write their wishes on and fly.

The hope for this Earth Day event is for people to be inspired not only to make wishes, but also to promise to adopt sustainable practices for the sake of nature and the environment. A public address system will be available for people to annouce their promises.

The event also will include music, visual arts and poetry. People also will be invited to play chimes in a wind chime sculpture. The sound from the chimes is to be amplified around the field as people fly kites.

11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
For additional information contact:
Marcus Young
Phone: 1-612-729-1270
Wishes for the Sky
From I-94 in St. Paul, exit at Hwy 52 and go south. Exit at Plato Blvd and go west about one mile to the park. The park is located on the south side of the Mississippi River between the High Bridge and downtown St. Paul.

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